
UK Uber drivers win case to get paid vacation, minimum wage

Uber's claim that its drivers are contractors—and not employees entitled to vacations—was rejected Friday by a British tribunal, in a ruling that may have implications for a range of companies that rely on self-employed ...

Dispersal key for understanding marine biodiversity

Dispersal plays a key role to connect populations, and contrastingly, its moderate limitation is one of the main processes to maintain species coexistence and promote regional biodiversity. A study recently published in Scientific ...

Global standard for determination of evidential value

The Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) and the University of Twente's CTIT Institute will collaborate over the next four years to establish an ISO standard for the validation of methods used in the interpretation of forensic ...

From photos to realistic video games, in the blink of an eye

Companies willing to stand out in today's video game industry need three core assets: an original concept and scenario, an intuitive gameplay, and photo-realistic game environments. As vibrant as it may be, the European video ...

Changing semiconductor properties at room temperature

It's a small change that makes a big difference. Researchers have developed a method that uses a one-degree change in temperature to alter the color of light that a semiconductor emits. The method, which uses a thin-film ...

One in 10 UK burglary victims moves house

Being a victim of burglary has such a profound effect on some, that more than a million in the UK moved house as a result, according to new research.

Microplastics in agricultural soils—a reason to worry?

Microplastics are increasingly seen as an environmental problem of global proportions. While the focus to date has been on microplastics in the ocean and their effects on marine life, microplastics in soils have largely been ...

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