
A turtle time capsule: DNA found in ancient shell

Currently, only seven species of sea turtles exist. Among them are two in the genus Lepidochelys: the olive ridley and the Kemp's ridley. Despite being among the most common sea turtles in much of the Caribbean Sea and elsewhere, ...

The LHC lead-ion collision run starts

The LHC is back delivering collisions to the experiments after the successful leak repair in August. But instead of protons, it is now the turn of lead ion beams to collide, marking the first heavy-ion run in five years.

Standing on the shoulders of punk: The early years of dance

The pre-existing network of labels, record stores, venues and organizers related to the declining punk scene gave dance music a solid base from which to break through in the United Kingdom, and later in the Netherlands. In ...

Turning mine waste into healthy soil

Tailings, the waste left after extracting precious and critical minerals, often contain harmful chemicals and heavy metals that can pollute soil, water, and even crops. There are over 1,800 tailings storage facilities around ...

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