
Lunar library to include photos, books stored in DNA

People who have submitted photos to the #MemoriesInDNA project have selected images of family members, favorite places and tasty food that will be preserved for years in the form of synthetic DNA. Now this collection—which ...

'Bin chicken' plays unique role in story of evolution

A University of Queensland researcher has uncovered how a French scientist and ibis researcher conducted the first test of evolution more than 50 years before Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species.

Observing the development of a deep-sea greenhouse gas filter

In a long-term study, marine scientists from Bremen have for the first time observed the slow colonization of the crater around a deep-sea mud volcano after its eruption. The first settlers are tiny organisms that eat methane ...

Putting noise to work

Noise is often undesirable—for example, in a recorded conversation in a noisy room, in astronomical observations with large background signals, or in image processing. A research team from China, Spain and Germany has demonstrated ...

Following the path of chemicals through the soil

Where do pesticides and their degradation products go once they enter the soil? And how long does it take them to get to groundwater or drainage systems? That depends on a number of factors, but researchers at Aarhus University ...

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