
Kepler watched a Cepheid star boil

After four years of continuous monitoring, astronomers detected clear signs of convective cells in a giant pulsating star for the first time using the Kepler space telescope.

One-eyed robot learns to see in weightlessness

A small drone taught itself to judge distances using only one eye during trials aboard the International Space Station, ESA-backed researchers have reported.

Precision measurements of exoplanet velocities

The search for exoplanets via the radial velocity technique has been underway for nearly thirty years, measuring the wobbles in a star's motion caused by the presence of orbiting bodies. The method has been very successful ...

The ultraviolet diversity of supernovae

Supernovae, the explosive deaths of massive stars, are among the most momentous events in the cosmos because they disburse into space all of the chemical elements that were produced inside their progenitor stars, including ...

Researchers develop simplified model of RNA validation

A group from the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste has developed a faster and simpler method requiring modest resources for validating physical models of RNA used in molecular dynamics. These models ...

Foreign farms increase the risk of conflicts in Africa

For the first time, researchers point to areas in Africa where foreign agricultural companies' choice of crops and management of fresh water are partly responsible for the increased water shortages and greater competition ...

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