
US health insurer to subsidize Apple Watch buys

A major US health insurance company on Monday said it will help buy Apple smartwatches for customers as part of a move to integrate the gadgets into wellness management programs.

Can Africa's mobile money revolution reduce poverty?

When farmer Isaac Tondo fell on lean times in Liberia's long rainy season, his brother in the capital sent 8,000 Liberian dollars (US$87) to his Lonestar mobile money account, ensuring his children's school fees would still ...

Taking the environmental bite out of salmon farming

In a peaceful bay off Norway's Hitra island, massive nets teem with salmon destined for dinner tables worldwide—an export boon for the Nordic nation that comes with a long list of environmental side-effects.

Disabled man gets license, shows driverless tech's potential

Former Indy Racing League driver Sam Schmidt has done a lot in the 16 years since an accident left him paralyzed from the neck down. He runs a racing team and a foundation. He's raced a sailboat using his chin. But the man ...

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