
Stalling science threatens every domain of modern life

The looming "sequestration," across-the-board budget cuts that were never really meant to happen, could cripple key areas of science by slashing federal investment in research and development by an estimated 8.4 percent between ...

Nanosciences: All systems go at the biofactory

In order to assemble novel biomolecular machines, individual protein molecules must be installed at their site of operation with nanometer precision. Ludwig Maximilian University researchers have now found a way to do just ...

Physicists confine electrons inside nano-pyramids

(Phys.org)—Quantum dots are nanostructures of semiconducting materials that behave a lot like single atoms and are very easy to produce. Given their special properties, researchers see huge potential for quantum dots in ...

The (digital) price is not right

A leading expert on intellectual property and consumer rights at The Australian National University has called for a range of legislative and regulatory changes to help stop unjustified price discrimination against Australian ...

Scientist turn focus to Titan

(Phys.org)—Humanity has landed a rover on Mars. Now, say scientists, it's time to land a boat on Titan. This outlandish scenario could become reality, according to engineers presenting their proposals at the European Planetary ...

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