
Rebels without applause: New study on peer victimization

Loners and antisocial kids who reject other children are often bullied at school - an accepted form of punishment from peers as they establish social order. Such peer victimization may be an extreme group response to control ...

Researcher gives 'F' to multiculturalism education

Multicultural education in classrooms has failed to produce a deeper understanding across cultures, according to a Concordia University researcher. Education professor Adeela Arshad-Ayaz blames teacher training for failing ...

Pharmaceutical substances found in waters of Donana

Researchers from the University of Seville (US) have detected active pharmaceutical substances for the first time in the waters of the Doñana National Park and its surrounding areas. The results suggest eco-toxicological ...

Japan: China rare-earth ban could hurt economy

(AP) -- China's ban on shipments to Japan of rare-earth metals that are crucial for advanced manufacturing threatens to undermine the Japanese economy, a top finance official said Tuesday amid a territorial row between the ...

Wasps wage war on behalf of wiliwili trees

A black, two-millimeter-long wasp from East Africa is helping wage war on one of its own kind—the Erythrina gall wasp, an invasive species that's decimated Hawaii's endemic wiliwili (Erythrina sandwicensis) and introduced ...

Hospitality turns hostile with envious employees

Guest relationships can become collateral damage when hotel employees envy the relationships co-workers have with their bosses, according to an international team of researchers.

Shuttles carried to the pad by slow-motion giants

For more than 40 years, the twin crawler-transporters at NASA's Kennedy Space Center have traveled the gravel track between the massive Vehicle Assembly Building and the two launch pads at Launch Complex 39. These mammoth ...

Cassini begins new chapter on brink of Saturn summer solstice

Turning a midsummer night's dream into reality, NASA's Cassini spacecraft begins its new mission extension -- the Cassini Solstice Mission -- today. The mission extension will take Cassini a few months past Saturn's northern ...

Making beautiful music, on a microscopic scale

Strings a fraction of the thickness of a human hair, with microscopic weights to pluck them: researchers and students from the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology of the University of Twente, The Netherlands, have succeeded ...

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