
Study finds income, job rut for millions in U.S.

At a time when evictions and mortgage defaults have been likened to an oncoming tsunami across America, a big-data study of loan-to-value ratios in the wake of the 2007-08 recession carries a cautionary forecast for vexing ...

Inequality drives deep divide between Australian children

Children living in the most disadvantaged communities across Australia are far less likely to attend the required 15 hours of preschool and more likely to become developmentally vulnerable in their first five years of life, ...

Giant nanomachine aids the immune system

Cells that are infected by a virus or carry a carcinogenic mutation, for example, produce proteins foreign to the body. Antigenic peptides resulting from the degradation of these exogenous proteins inside the cell are loaded ...

NASA's Webb solar array reconnects to the telescope

One kilowatt is about what it takes to heat up some leftovers in a microwave—or to power the largest and most technically advanced telescope ever built. Thanks to its solar array, NASA's James Webb Space Telescope will ...

The northern quoll: An amazingly versatile survivor?

The northern quoll, one of Australia's most adorable and endangered native carnivores, appears to be adapted to dramatically different landscapes—which may be key to the species' survival.

When several lines are better than one

Everyone knows the existential dread that comes along with standing in line for what seems like an eternity. But new research by Wharton operations, information and decisions professor Hummy Song, Guillaume Roels from INSEAD ...

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