
Solar minimum is coming

High up in the clear blue noontime sky, the sun appears to be much the same day-in, day-out, year after year.

NATO says cyber attacks a call to arms

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg warned the alliance must step up its defence against cyberattacks, saying they could potentially trigger their Article 5 mutual defence commitment.

Bird-like dinosaurs hatched eggs like chickens: study

Feathered dinosaurs that walked on two legs and had parrot-like beaks shared another characteristic with modern birds—they brooded clutches of eggs at a temperature similar to chickens, a study showed Wednesday.

Robots to help children with autism

New research involving the University of Portsmouth is aiming to develop robots to help children with autism in ways humans can't.

New 'hot Jupiter' exoplanet detected by K2 mission

(Phys.org)—An international team of astronomers has identified a new extrasolar planet from the data provided by Kepler spacecraft's prolonged mission known as K2. The newly found exoworld, designated EPIC 228735255b, is ...

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