
Chilling findings are good news for koalas

University of Queensland research into the chilled storage of koala semen has major implications for the assisted breeding and genetic diversity of captive and wild populations.

Putting pressure on 3D-printed structures

Through a series of dynamic compression experiments on additively manufactured (AM) structured lattices, a Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory team, supported by colleagues at Los Alamos National Laboratory, has found ...

High-pressure generator using a superconducting diamond developed

Researchers of National Institute of Materials Science and Ehime University, Japan, developed a new diamond anvil cell by micro-fabricating a superconducting diamond, which conducts electricity like metal and serves as electrodes, ...

New technique uncovers hidden face behind cosmetic paints

Face recognition has become a key tool for unobtrusive human identification broadly applied in areas of surveillance, forensic, security, access control, etc. In recent years, although the accuracy of today's visible-spectrum ...

Mutant enzyme study aids in understanding of sirtuin's functions

The enzyme sirtuin 6, or SIRT6, serves many key biological functions in regulating genome stability, DNA repair, metabolism and longevity, but how its multiple enzyme activities relate to its various functions is poorly understood.

Gravitational physics poised for new era of discovery

The recent detection of gravitational waves from the collision of two black holes signals a new era in gravitational wave astrophysics that will allow probing of the Universe in never before known ways, writes a Montana State ...

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