
Call to ban trade on iconic Nautilus seashell

An internationally renowned palaeontologist, who has recently joined the University of Adelaide, is calling for a global ban on the trade of the highly sought-after Nautilus seashell – including from Western Australian ...

Wood waste biofuel could cut greenhouse gas

A sustainable biofuel made from Norwegian forest wood waste could help transform the shipping industry and reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.

Genome analysis reveals how algae evolved into land plants

By analysing the genome of a terrestrial alga, a research group including researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kazusa DNA Research Institute and RIKEN reveal the presence of genes that enable plants to cope with ...

Swift satellite gets ringing endorsement from NASA

An astronomical satellite, of which the University of Leicester and the Mullard Space Science Laboratory of University College London are key partners, has received a ringing endorsement from NASA.

New technology can prevent salmon lice

The battle against salmon lice is being waged on many fronts, including the technological front. Simple and advanced solutions alike can be effective.

Developing drought tolerant mungbeans

Mungbean industry representatives at QUT have had a sneak peak at the research which could see growers producing hardier and more drought-tolerant varieties of the pulse in the future.

Cosmic explosion spotted in neighbouring galaxy

(Phys.org) —NASA's Swift satellite reported an enormous explosion occurred this morning at 8.15 AEST in our neighbouring galaxy, Andromeda. This explosion is known as a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), one of the most powerful explosions ...

Tether solution for satellite de-orbiting and reentry

Satellite de-orbiting and re-entry is essential to halt the continuous increase in orbital space debris. The BETS project, which ends this month, is making waves with a new tether solution that is faster and more resistant ...

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