
Scientists demonstrate all-fiber quantum logic

A team of physicists and engineers have demonstrated all-fibre quantum logic, where single photons are generated and used to perform the controlled-NOT quantum logic gate in optical fibres with high fidelity.

Google hoping Web surfers will ride its 'Wave'

(AP) -- Google Inc. is hatching a new species of e-mail and instant messaging, but the Internet search leader first wants the hybrid service to evolve even more with the help of independent computer programmers.

Palm's new smart phone synchronizes with iTunes

(AP) -- Palm Inc.'s much-awaited new smart phone, the Pre, can connect to Apple's iTunes software and download music and photos just as if it were an iPod or iPhone.

Unstated assumptions color Arctic sovereignty claims

Settling the growing debate over ownership of Arctic Ocean resources is complicated by the fact that the various countries involved have different understandings of the geography of the place.

Bing it on: Microsoft overhauls search, again

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. is rolling out a redesigned search site in the coming days and hopes it will lure more Web surfers than the two most recent incarnations, Live Search and MSN Search.

Suzaku snaps first complete X-ray view of a galaxy cluster

The joint Japan-U.S. Suzaku mission is providing new insight into how assemblages of thousands of galaxies pull themselves together. For the first time, Suzaku has detected X-ray-emitting gas at a cluster's outskirts, where ...

HP chief cautious about return of pent-up demand

(AP) -- While other big technology vendors have said they've seen demand bottom out and show signs of recovery, Hewlett-Packard Co. has stayed cautious, warning it's too soon to tell when its business will improve.

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