
Flare ups and crustal removal in northeast Japan

The crustal record is the geologist's book for studying the history of the Earth. It contains information to understand important aspects such as when the earliest crustal rocks separated from the mantle; the origin and evolution ...

Steering light to places it isn't supposed to go

Light that is sent into a photonic crystal can't go deeper than the so-called Bragg length. Deeper inside the crystal, light of a certain color range can simply not exist. Still, researchers of the University of Twente, the ...

Endangered swift parrots favor sons despite female shortage

New research from The Australian National University (ANU) shows female swift parrots can determine the sex of their offspring, and they are favoring boys over girls as they face diminished survival prospects in the wild.

Unlocking the secrets of Earth's early atmosphere

Research partly conducted at the Advanced Photon Source helped scientists discover the composition of Earth's first atmosphere. What they found raises questions about the origin of life on Earth.

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