
Researchers find proteins responsible for orchid shape

(Phys.org)—A team of researchers with National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan has found the proteins responsible for determining the shape of orchid lips. In their paper published in the journal Nature Plants, the team ...

Scientific survey shows modest improvement in blue crab stock

The Virginia Marine Resources Commission today released the 2015 blue crab winter dredge survey, which showed moderate improvement in the health of the stock, despite a cold winter that killed an inordinately large number ...

Research calculates the value of free trial offers

Free trials are wildly popular, but customers attracted by these promotions behave very differently to normal customers, according to new research by a Massey University marketing professor.

Game theory elucidates the collective behavior of bosons

Quantum particles behave in strange ways and are often difficult to study experimentally. Using mathematical methods drawn from game theory, LMU physicists have shown how bosons, which like to enter the same state, can form ...

Taking the hassle out of parking

It's a pain we all know: trying finding a parking spot in a crowded lot, from shopping centers to medical complexes to the airport. A Rice University team of senior electrical and computer engineers designed a capstone project ...

Human brain inspires computer memory

How is it possible to create computer memory that is both faster and consumes less energy? Researchers at the Institut d'électronique fondamentale (CNRS/Université Paris-Sud) and CEA-List have unlocked the physical mechanisms ...

Image: Saturn's sponge-like moon Hyperion

The subject of this image bears a remarkable resemblance to a porous sea sponge, floating in the inky black surroundings of the deep sea.

A Google for handwriting

To be able to use computers to analyse and search handwritten texts would revolutionise research in the humanities. And the technology to digitise printed books and make them searchable already exists.

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