
Australia on path to join supercontinent 'Amasia'

The possibility that Earth could have a supercontinent that would occupy two-thirds of the planet's surface in a couple of hundred million years' time is just one of the geological projects being investigated by an international ...

Re-inventing the mailing list is one way to reduce email stress

We all feel it—that panicked sensation when we check our inbox and see the deluge of emails awaiting our attention. The average person receives upwards of 150 emails a day, and it often seems like no amount of tagging or ...

The weird ways fire behaves in space (w/ Video)

Light a match on earth and you can expect the flame to shoot up in a tapering bulb. But light that match in space and you might not even recognize the small, blue orb at the tip. That's because fire behaves very differently ...

A new future for corals

Coral reefs, true reservoirs of biodiversity, are seriously threatened by human activities and climate change. Consequently, their extinction has often been heralded. Now, researchers are painting a less gloomy picture: the ...

Species' evolutionary choice—disperse or adapt?

Dispersal and adaptation are two fundamental evolutionary strategies available to species given an environment. Generalists, like dandelions, send their offspring far and wide. Specialists, like alpine flowers, adapt to the ...

Why the Nepalese quake was so destructive

The earthquake, which wreaked havoc in the Kathmandu Valley of Nepal on Saturday about noon local time, was the strongest quake in the world so far this year. With a magnitude of 7.8 it was felt over a very large area from ...

Layered compounds for li-ion batteries

Researchers from the Institute of Science, University Teknologi MARA Selangor conducted a study into the possibility of using new and cost effective compounds in Li ION battery application.

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