
Iron nanorobots show their true mettle

Drug-coated iron nanowires that can be guided to the site of a tumor using an external magnetic field before activating a three-step cancer-killing mechanism could provide an effective option for cancer therapy.

Is workplace rudeness on the rise?

You don't have to look hard to see uncivil behavior these days, whether in political discourse, in college classrooms or on airplanes. One study found that rudeness is even contagious, like the common cold.

Hate cancel culture? Blame algorithms

"Cancel culture" has become so pervasive that even former President Barack Obama has weighed in on the phenomenon, describing it as an overly judgmental approach to activism that does little to bring about change.

Putting a nanomachine to work

A team of chemists at LMU has successfully coupled the directed motion of a light-activated molecular motor to a different chemical unit—thus taking an important step toward the realization of synthetic nanomachines.

Chemist creates new catalysts for click reactions

A chemist from RUDN University has created a series of catalysts for click chemistry. These reactions are widely used in the synthesis of biologically active substances, as well as in biological and medical research. New ...

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