
New method for testing salinity tolerance in cereals

Researchers from the University of Adelaide and the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI) have discovered a new and more accurate way to screen cereal varieties for tolerance to salinity and high sodium ...

Apple's iPhone is slumping. What's next?

The bloom may be off Apple's iPhone, at least for now. So now the pressure is on the iconic Silicon Valley company to come up with its next big thing.

Megafauna mega-issues

Following a succesful conference on megafauna - large animals - two journals have published special features on the topic.

GPM: Making science fun for kids through comics

To get young students reading about science, NASA is trying something different. Instead of a press release or a scientific paper, the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission has launched a Japanese manga-style comic ...

VTT brings reflectors up to date with sensors and LED lights

In collaboration with the Coreplast Laitila company, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has created a reflector that can be wirelessly controlled via a mobile phone application. This involves equipping a traditional ...

Japan unveils stealth plane, may combine with next-gen jet

Japan unveiled its first homemade stealth plane Thursday as it tries to catch up on the technology and enhance its reconnaissance and intelligence capabilities as China expands its own military presence in the region.

For this nanocatalyst reaction, one atom makes a big difference

Combining experimental investigations and theoretical simulations, researchers have explained why platinum nanoclusters of a specific size range facilitate the hydrogenation reaction used to produce ethane from ethylene. ...

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