
Stress from noise can be short-lived

Underwater noise can negatively impact anti-predator behaviour in endangered eels and increase stress in both eels and European seabass, a new study published in Royal Society Open Science confirms.

Ariane 5's first launch of 2016

An Ariane 5 last night delivered telecom satellite Intelsat-29e into its planned orbit. Liftoff of Ariane flight VA228 occurred on 27 January at 23:20 GMT (20:20 local time, 00:20 CET on 28 January) from Europe's Spaceport ...

ESA image: Mercury orbiter test

If ESA's Mercury orbiter of the BepiColombo mission seems to stand at an unusual angle above its test chamber floor, that's because it does – intentionally so.

Canada to consider CO2 emissions in approving new pipelines

Canada's environment and resources ministers announced Wednesday a new framework for approving the construction of pipelines that must consider the direct and upstream greenhouse gas emissions linked to the projects.

Samsung warns of tough 2016 after 4Q profit sinks

Samsung Electronics reported Thursday a bigger-than-expected decline in fourth quarter earnings as its mainstay smartphone and semiconductor businesses suffered from weakening global demand for consumer electronics.

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