
Nordic marine scientists push for way forward

In a commentary released in Nature Climate Change, a group of 13 scientists argue that the Nordic countries are in a unique position to showcase how to handle the growing pressure on the oceans. However, this relies on a ...

Custom tailoring robotic exoskeletons that fit to perfection

It wasn't too long ago that the idea of a wearable robot that would lend its user increased mobility and strength seemed like the stuff of science fiction; indeed, films like Aliens and Iron Man, which featured characters ...

The electric eye of Cyclone Bansi

Though this image may look like they come from a science fiction movie, it is in fact a photograph of tropical cyclone Bansi as seen at night by astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS). The image was taken when ...

Detecting chemical weapons with a color-changing film

In today's world, in which the threat of terrorism looms, there is an urgent need for fast, reliable tools to detect the release of deadly chemical warfare agents (CWAs). In the journal ACS Macro Letters, scientists are reporting ...

Eyeglasses that turn into sunglasses—at your command

Imagine eyeglasses that can go quickly from clear to shaded and back again when you want them to, rather than passively in response to changes in light. Scientists report a major step toward that goal, which could benefit ...

Bike-to-work events offer chance to explore barriers to cycling

Cities that host bike-to-work events as their sole effort to increase commuter travel by bicycle may be missing a larger—perhaps more valuable—opportunity, according to a study involving the University of Colorado Boulder ...

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