
Cellular memory of stressful situations

Stress is unhealthy. The cells use therefore a variety of mechanisms to deal with stress and avert its immediate threat. However, certain stressful situations leave marks that go beyond the immediate response; some even seem ...

Study identifies common elements of STEM schools

Science, technology, engineering and mathematics schools vary in many ways, but they share eight major common elements. So finds a nationwide study of 23 STEM schools conducted by the University of Chicago's Outlier Research ...

Generators that relieve power grid worsen ozone pollution

Cornell engineers have found that firing up diesel backup generators in non-emergency situations triggers rising atmospheric ozone concentrations due to additional nitrogen oxide emissions. They reported their findings Jan ...

Sociologist links cheaper gas prices to more vehicle crashes

As the price of gasoline drops, the number of automobile crashes increases, according to Guangqing Chi, an associate professor of sociology at South Dakota State University. However, the time frame within which this occurs ...

Orangutans take the logging road

A new discovery by a Simon Fraser University doctoral student in the School of Resource and Environmental Management, published in Oryx, demonstrates that orangutans may be even more adaptable than he first thought.

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