
Cobalt discovery replaces precious metals as industrial catalyst

(Phys.org)—Cobalt, a common mineral, holds promise as an industrial catalyst with potential applications in such energy-related technologies such as the production of biofuels and the reduction of carbon dioxide. That is, ...

'Retired' scientists unmask bush graffiti artist

In a remarkable piece of detective work, a team of 'retired' CSIRO scientists have revealed the group of artists responsible for the iconic scribbles found on smooth-barked Eucalyptus trees in southeastern Australia.

Researchers find microbes accelerate soil carbon loss

(Phys.org)—New research from scientists at the University of Wyoming and Colorado State University suggests that the loss of carbon from soils in response to climate change could be accelerated by unexpected responses of ...

Cold cricket case could defrost mysteries of changing climate

(Phys.org)—Biologists from Western University have discovered that insects recover from chill-coma by getting water and salt back where it belongs. These findings, published online today by Proceedings of the National Academy ...

Breakthrough could help optimize capture of sugars for biofuels

(Phys.org)—Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the BioEnergy Science Center (BESC) combined different microscopic imaging methods to gain a greater understanding ...

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