
Image: Washington D.C. from orbit

Sentinel-2 takes us over the US capital city of Washington DC, nestled between the states of Maryland and Virginia.

Nanomagnets levitate thanks to quantum physics

Quantum physicists in Oriol Romero-Isart's research group in Innsbruck show in two current publications that, despite Earnshaw's theorem, nanomagnets can be stably levitated in an external static magnetic field owing to quantum ...

New model predicts locations of biological hotspots in the ocean

Each year thousands of people come to Monterey Bay to watch the feeding frenzies of seabirds, sea lions, and humpback whales. But why do certain coastal areas, such as Monterey Bay, become meccas for both humans and wildlife? ...

New study maps priority areas around world to protect mammals

A new study led by ANU has mapped priority areas around the world to protect thousands of mammal species, with a focus on species with few close relatives including echidnas in Australia and PNG and lemurs in Madagascar.

Why teenage jobs are good for your kids

With the fall semester under way, parents and students are choosing extracurricular activities. Hockey? Chess club? Band? Recent research shows that another option —adolescent work experience —can pay big dividends ...

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