
AGNs as a new standard candle?

Nope. A standard candle isn’t the same red, green, blue, yellow and omni-present pink wax sticks that decorate your every day birthday cake. Until now a standard candle meant a Cepheid variable star – or more recently ...

Homeless supernovae

In a post earlier this month, we looked at a team of astronomers searching for stars that were on ejected from their birthplaces in clusters. These stars could receive the needed kick from a gravitational swing by the core ...

Quantum teleportation analysed by mathematical separation tool

Scientists from the University of Vienna's Faculty of Physics in Austria recently gave a theoretical description of teleportation phenomena in sub-atomic scale physical systems, in a publication in the European Physical Journal ...

Obesity clues in humans may be unearthed first in a worm

Obesity is not regarded as an epidemic among tiny worms that dine on bacteria — but for humans battling weight gain with seemingly insatiable appetites, research on a soil-dwelling roundworm may lead to clues for weight ...

Gene controlling flowering boosts energy production from sorghum

A sorghum hybrid that does not flower and accumulates as much as three times the amount of stem and leaf matter may help the bioenergy industry, according to a study appearing today in the Proceedings of the National Academy ...

Following the trail of conservation successes

A paper by researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS), James Cook University and Mongabay.com, which was published in Trends in Ecology & Evolution in early August, showed that although large-scale biodiversity ...

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