
New CRISPR-Cas system cuts virus RNA

Researchers from the group of Stan Brouns (Delft University of Technology) have discovered a new CRISPR-Cas system that cuts RNA. The study will be published on August 26 in Science and is expected to offer many opportunities ...

Five ways to help your dog live a longer, healthier life

As anyone who has ever lived with a dog will know, it often feels like we don't get enough time with our furry friends. Most dogs only live around ten to 14 years on average—though some may naturally live longer, while ...

Rare barley mutation with potential

The importance of the root system for agricultural yields is often underestimated. Whether roots can access water and nutrients effectively also determines the resilience of important crops to drought and climate change. ...

New study findings could help improve flood projections

Climate change will lead to more and stronger floods, mainly due to the increase of more intense heavy rainfall. In order to assess how exactly flood risks and the severity of floods will change over time, it is particularly ...

How disorderly young galaxies grow up and mature

Using a supercomputer simulation, a research team at Lund University in Sweden has succeeded in following the development of a galaxy over a span of 13.8 billion years. The study shows how, due to interstellar frontal collisions, ...

Biodiversity needs better data archiving

Missing metadata—data that provide information about other data—might not sound like a big deal, but it's a costly problem that's hindering humanity's plans to protect the planet's biodiversity. An international team ...

Bacterial bloom as the Earth thawed

Around 650 million years ago, the Earth entered into the Marinoan glaciation that saw the entire planet freeze. The "Snowball Earth" impeded the evolution of life. But as it warmed, biotic life began to flourish. A research ...

LED material shines under strain

Smartphones, laptops, and lighting applications rely on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to shine bright. But the brighter these LED technologies shine, the more inefficient they become, releasing more energy as heat instead ...

Atomic snapshots show fast ion migration in ultra-thin clays

Research led by The University of Manchester has found that ions diffuse 10,000 times faster inside atomically thin clays than in bulk clay crystals. Clays are used in a wide variety of membrane applications, so this result ...

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