
A chiral surprise in the rainforest

Forests such as the Amazon rainforest emit huge amounts of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) into the atmosphere. These compounds impact the physical and chemical properties of the atmosphere and also our climate. ...

Ceramic cooking pots record history of ancient food practices

Analyzing three components of ceramic cooking pots—charred remains, inner surface residues and lipids absorbed within the ceramic walls—may help archaeologists uncover detailed timelines of culinary cooking practices ...

How climate change may reshape pine plantations

Climate change is going to change a lot of things, which might include how we manage the pine plantations that are found across much of the southern landscape – and which play an important role in the wood and paper industry.

Scientists perfect knot-tying techniques with molecular string

A group of chemists from Manchester have successfully tied a series of microscopic knots using individual molecules for the first time, ushering in the advent of a form of nano-scale weaving which could create a new generation ...

Image: Sensing the moon

A new sensor to identify lunar volatiles is being assembled in a clean room at The Open University, UK ahead of some exciting missions to the moon.

Monitoring the Arctic heatwave

,Over the past months, the Arctic has experienced alarmingly high temperatures, extreme wildfires and a significant loss of sea ice. While hot summer weather is not uncommon in the Arctic, the region is warming at two to ...

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