
Locating and severing lethal links in DNA

Chemical lesions in the genetic material DNA can have catastrophic consequences for cells, and even for the organism concerned. This explains why the efficient identification and rapid repair of DNA damage is vital for survival. ...

Music goes terahertz

An international research team from Germany, Italy, and the U.K. has developed a key photonics component for the terahertz spectral range. By mixing electronic resonances in semiconductor nanostructures with the photon field ...

Methane: Emissions increase and it's not good news

Of course, carbon dioxide plays a key role in global warming, but among all the greenhouse gases, methane deserves special attention because of its larger global warming potential (28 times higher than carbon dioxide on a ...

Octupole corner state in a three-dimensional topological circuit

Higher-order topological insulators featuring quantized bulk polarizations and zero-dimensional corner states are attracting increasing interest due to their strong mode confinement. Recently, scientists from China and the ...

Artificial intelligence learns continental hydrology

Changes to water masses which are stored on the continents can be detected with the help of satellites. The data sets on the Earth's gravitational field which are required for this, stem from the GRACE and GRACE-FO satellite ...

NASA sees Hurricane Laura's nighttime landfall

Many NASA assets were used to provide forecasters with information to incorporate into their analysis of Hurricane Laura. Satellite imagery, photographs from the International Space Station, and a computer program that produces ...

A government program that reduces mortgage defaults

Lower-income households that received mortgages through state affordable mortgage programs were less likely to default or foreclose than similar households that received conventional financing, a national study found.

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