
SwRI launches Robot Operating System-Industrial Consortium

Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) is launching a cooperative research consortium to accelerate the development of ROS-Industrial, an open-source extension of ROS focused on the needs of industrial users.

Finicky young wrasse want shrimp

Ballan wrasse are picky eaters when young. As adults, they eat sea lice off the skin of salmon – which makes them valuable to fish farmers. But as juveniles, wrasse want to be served shrimp.

41 new transiting planets in Kepler field of view

(Phys.org)—Two newly submitted studies verify 41 new transiting planets in 20 star systems. These results may increase the number of Kepler's confirmed planets by more than 50 percent: to 116 planets hosted in 67 systems, ...

Driving an electron spin vortex "Skyrmion" with a microcurrent

RIKEN and the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) have succeeded in forming a skyrmion crystal in which electron spin is aligned in a vortex shape in a microdevice using the helimagnet FeGe. The skyrmion crystal ...

New promise in sea lice-eating lumpfish

Ballan wrasse and goldsinny wrasse are currently the principal biological weapons to fight sea lice at fish farms in Trøndelag county and further south. As these two species are sensitive to cold temperatures, they would ...

Attitudes could hamper hurricane evacuations

(Phys.org)—With Hurricane Isaac threatening the U.S. mainland, emergency management personnel might soon have to confront some of the misinformed mindsets of potential evacuees. If South Carolinians are any indication, ...

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