
Do smartphones belong in classrooms? Four scholars weigh in

Should smartphones be allowed in classrooms? A new report from UNESCO, the education arm of the United Nations, raises questions about the practice. Though smartphones can be used for educational purposes, the report says ...

Teachers who leave turnaround schools can have positive effects

A new study found that teachers who left low-performing K-12 public schools in Tennessee as part of schoolwide turnaround reforms had positive impacts on test scores in the schools that took them in, and they were more likely ...

A cost-effective, efficient way to assess soil health at scale

Saying soil is important is an understatement. From serving as the medium where most of our food is grown, to sequestering carbon and reducing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, to being the home for enormous quantities of biodiversity—including ...

Researchers find new species of Australian shark

Last year, scientists from our Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC) caught a species of shark new to science. That specimen became the holotype of a newly named species, the reference specimen for the new scientific ...

A gamma ray burst lasted so long it triggered a satellite twice

Gamma ray bursts (GRBs) are the most powerful astrophysical phenomena in the universe. For a span of seconds to a few minutes, they can be the most powerful high-energy event in the sky, shining across billions of light years.

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