
Two new high-redshift red quasars discovered

Using the Subaru Telescope, astronomers have identified two new dust-reddened (red) quasars at high redshifts. The finding, detailed in a paper published July 16 on the arXiv pre-print server, could improve the understanding ...

Taking the guesswork out of twistronics

The twist has been taking the field of condensed matter physics by storm. No, not the 1960s dance craze made famous by Chubby Checker— the stunning discovery that two sheets of graphene, a flat honeycomb-shaped lattice ...

Mapping the Oaxaca earthquake from space

On the morning of 23 June 2020, a strong earthquake struck the southern state of Oaxaca, Mexico. The 7.4-magnitude earthquake prompted evacuations in the region, triggered a tsunami warning and damaged thousands of houses. ...

A deep dive into shallow quakes

New research from the Australian National University (ANU) has shown that Australia is prone to shallow and potentially destructive earthquakes.

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