
Rising temps put desert shrubs in high-efficiency mode

Death Valley doesn't seem like the most ideal place to ride out rising temperatures amid a changing climate. But for the desert plants that live there, it's homeā€”and they face the choice to adapt or die.

Mars 2020 mission to be guided by USGS astrogeology maps

When NASA's Perseverance rover lands on Mars next year, it will be equipped with some of the most precise maps of Mars ever created, courtesy of the USGS Astrogeology Science Center. Not only are the new maps essential for ...

Stopping listeria reproduction 'in its tracks'

Listeria contaminations can send food processing facilities into full crisis mode with mass product recalls, federal warnings and even hospitalization or death for people who consume the contaminated products. Destroying ...

New paper squares economic choice with evolutionary survival

If given the chance, a Kenyan herder is likely to keep a mix of goats and camels. It seems like an irrational economic choice because goats reproduce faster and thus offer higher near-term herd growth. But by keeping both ...

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