
The double-edged sword of wildlife-friendly yards

Hundreds of millions of birds are killed in collisions with windows each year in the U.S. alone, and although high-rise buildings tend to be the biggest individual culprits, the vast number of suburban homes across the continent ...

Grain drain, Laos' sand mining damaging the Mekong

Grain by grain, truckload by truckload, Laos' section of the Mekong river is being dredged of sand to make cement—a commodity being devoured by a Chinese-led building boom in the capital.

Apple supplier LG Display puts $1.8B into flexible displays

LG Display Co., a supplier of Apple's iPhone screens, said Wednesday that it will invest 1.99 trillion won ($1.75 billion) to produce flexible displays for smartphones, in a sign that more high-end smartphone makers may adopt ...

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