
Bigger bottles keep champagne bubbly for decades: Study

Tiny bubbles bursting in a drinker's face and the bite of carbonation are all part of the experience when sipping champagne and sparkling wines. But how long can these drinks be stored in sealed bottles before they go flat? ...

How uploading our minds to a computer might become possible

The idea that our mind could live on in another form after our physical body dies has been a recurring theme in science fiction since the 1950s. Recent television series such as "Black Mirror" and "Upload," as well as some ...

Researchers detect 14 new active galactic nuclei

Using the Spectrum–RG (SRG) spacecraft and two ground-based telescopes, Russian astronomers have observed X-ray sources in the eastern Galactic sky. The observational campaign resulted in the detection of 14 new active ...

New study sheds light on the evolution of animals

A study led by the University of Oxford has brought us one step closer to solving a mystery that has puzzled naturalists since Charles Darwin: when did animals first appear in the history of Earth? The study, "Fossilization ...

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