
Deep biosphere microbes expand the chemical signatures of life

Search for signs of ancient microbial life in the geological record is challenging due to degradation of the primary organic material. Therefore, proof of biogenic origin often relies on chemical signatures that microorganisms ...

Image: Sterilising an antenna for Mars

A ground penetrating radar antenna for ESA's ExoMars 2020 rover being pre-cleaned in an ultra-cleanroom environment in preparation for its sterilisation process, in an effort to prevent terrestrial microbes coming along for ...

'Tipping the balance' against domestic abuse

Police body-worn cameras are increasingly being used to ensure the perpetrators of domestic violence are charged and brought before the courts, according to new research.

Is there a new volcano on Hawaii?

Kilauea, the most active volcano on Hawaii, has been in continual eruption since 1983. It entered a new phase in early May when fractures along a rift on the eastern side of the volcano opened during a series of earthquakes ...

Quantum mechanics: entanglements in ultracold atomic clouds

A system's state is characterised as entangled or quantum correlated if two or more particles cannot be described as a combination of separate, independent states but only as a whole. Researchers at the Kirchhoff Institute ...

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