
How much carbon can polar seafloor ecosystems store?

One of the best-known impacts of climate change is the loss of sea ice in the Arctic, but also in parts of the Antarctic: the poles are increasingly turning from white to blue. However, in the shallow seas near continental ...

Study links deforestation and malaria

Nearly 130 million hectares of forest—an area almost equivalent in size to South Africa—have been lost since 1990, according to a recent report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Saving the planet with flexible electronics

"My research on organic photovoltaic (OPVs) devices reflects my fascination with electronic gadgets and concerns about the environment," says Varun Vohra, tenure-track assistant professor at the Department of Engineering ...

NASA completes milestone toward quieter supersonic X-plane

NASA has achieved a significant milestone in its effort to make supersonic passenger jet travel over land a real possibility by completing the preliminary design review (PDR) of its Quiet Supersonic Transport or QueSST aircraft ...

Lightning sparking more boreal forest fires

A new NASA-funded study finds that lightning storms were the main driver of recent massive fire years in Alaska and northern Canada, and that these storms are likely to move farther north with climate warming, potentially ...

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