
Fluid mechanics of table tennis balls—discovery of 'spin-crisis'

Research conducted by Takeshi Miyazaki and colleagues at the Complex Fluids Lab at UEC, Tokyo, covers environmental fluid mechanics in massive systems such as flight of projectiles and motion of vortices in the Earth's atmosphere ...

Image: Jupiter's bands of clouds

This enhanced-color image of Jupiter's bands of light and dark clouds was created by citizen scientists Gerald Eichstädt and Seán Doran using data from the JunoCam imager on NASA's Juno spacecraft.

Microbes in the bilge

Microbiologist Steve Techtmann won a DARPA Young Faculty Award (YFA) to study microbial biosignatures that identify what waters they traverse.

Collapse of the European ice sheet caused chaos

Scientists have reconstructed in detail the collapse of the Eurasian ice sheet at the end of the last ice age. The big melt wreaked havoc across the European continent, driving home the original Brexit 10,000 years ago.

Ultra-compact phase modulators based on graphene plasmons

Modulating the amplitude and phase of light is a key ingredient for many of applications such as wavefront shaping, transformation optics, phased arrays, modulators and sensors. Performing this task with high efficiency and ...

Origins of Cu-Pb-Zn-bearing and W-bearing granites

The Nanling Range of South China is world famous for its widely developed, multiple-aged granitic magmatism and related polymetallic mineralization. Various kinds of granites have distinct diversities in terms of metallogenic ...

Neuron-integrated nanotubes to repair nerve fibers

Carbon nanotubes exhibit interesting characteristics rendering them particularly suited to the construction of special hybrid devices consisting of biological issue and synthetic material. These could re-establish connections ...

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