
Software renders Earth's atmosphere in 3-D splendor

As an atmospheric scientist, Martin Jucker found it frustrating that the Earth's atmosphere typically appears as a consistent, two-dimensional plane when scientists visualize atmospheric data. Horizontal and vertical data ...

The properties of a six-meter near-Earth object

(Phys.org) —Near Earth Objects (NEOs) are asteroids (or comets) whose orbits sometimes bring them close to the earth's orbit. Thus they could potentially collide with the Earth, giving them considerably more parochial interest ...

Shocks in the Cygnus Loop supernovae remnant

(Phys.org) —Supernova remnants (SNRs) play a vital role in the lifecycle of dust in the interstellar medium. As shockwaves from supernovae sweep up interstellar material, they heat the gas and dust, and destroy a significant ...

Superconducting and ferroelectric properties of perovskite

(Phys.org) —Perovskite materials are the newest contender for breaking the silicon ceiling in solar cell technology. But they don't just absorb light. Cambridge researchers have found they emit it like a laser, opening ...

Astronaut health check with single drop of blood

(Phys.org) —ESA is building a prototype tester for crews on the International Space Station to provide diagnoses within a few minutes from a pinprick of blood. The ultimate device will offer rapid health checks and results ...

Playconomics video game teaches theory of economics

So economics really is a game after all. Two economics lecturers have found that the fastest route to an undergraduate's brain is to use a computer game that plays out the theory of economics.

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