
Tiny nanocubes help scientists tell left from right

(Phys.org) —In chemical reactions, left and right can make a big difference. A "left-handed" molecule of a particular chemical composition could be an effective drug, while its mirror-image "right-handed" counterpart could ...

Scientists model human disease in stem cells

Many scientists use animals to model human diseases. Mice can be obese or display symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Rats get Alzheimer's and diabetes.

Successful remigration is a myth

(Phys.org) —Migrants that return to their home country rarely stay there for the rest of their life. Much more common is 'circular migration', where migrants live alternatingly in host and home countries and are therefore ...

Planning in the near term for climate change

When scientists talk about climate change, they usually mean significant changes in the measures of climate over several decades or longer. Climate variability generally refers to seasonal changes over a year or so.

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