
Kasparov versus Turing (w/ Video)

(Phys.org) -- For the first time in public, Mr. Kasparov played a match against Turing’s chess program live on stage at The University of Manchester’s Alan Turing Centenary Conference.

Research yields key to better predictions of El Nino

(Phys.org) -- A University of Maryland scientist and an undergraduate Indian student he mentored in India have uncovered a major new finding about El Nino -- the cyclical climate event that appears every 2-7 years, sometimes ...

Curiosity rover on track for early August landing

(Phys.org) -- A maneuver on Tuesday adjusted the flight path of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft for delivering the rover Curiosity to a landing target beside a Martian mountain.

Charting gender's 'incomplete revolution'

A major survey of gender inequality in contemporary society has found lingering echoes of old-fashioned, "male breadwinner" values, but also evidence that men are happier when they do their fair share of household chores.

Can a video game cure cancer?

Anqi Zou (’12) never thought she would thank video gamers for showing her the way to exciting discoveries in molecular biology.

Spot the chemical difference

(Phys.org) -- Scientists at Kew have devised a method to distinguish similar flavonoids when chemically profiling plant extracts.

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