
Intel Previews Xeon 'Nehalem-EX' Processor

Intel Corporation today previewed a new Intel Xeon processor codenamed "Nehalem-EX." The processor will be at the heart of the next generation of intelligent and expandable high-end Intel server platforms, which will deliver ...

New discovery could help feed millions (w/Video)

When scientist Loretta Mayer set out to alleviate diseases associated with menopause, she didn't realize her work could lead to addressing world hunger and feeding hundreds of millions of people.

UGA licenses new Bermuda grass that thrives in sun and shade

An internationally recognized turfgrass researcher from the University of Georgia has developed a new Bermudagrass that thrives in sun, but also produces healthy turf in areas with less than half the light normally required ...

Did dinosaurs hold their heads up?

Some dinosaurs may have held their heads up, like a giraffe, rather than in a more horizontal position, University of Portsmouth scientists report today.

Really virtual reality

(PhysOrg.com) -- Far from being geeky and exotic, virtual reality could be the key to a new range of innovative products. European researchers and industrialists have come together to build a world-leading community ready ...

Rethinking monogamy in Western Canada

(PhysOrg.com) -- You hear it all the time, especially in debates concerning same-sex marriage and polygamy: The biggest threat to the social order is the breakdown of monogamous marriage.

Researchers set alarm for incoming space storms

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton has broken new ground in outer space by pinpointing the impact epicentre of an Earthbound space storm as it crashes into the atmosphere and giving ...

When is it safe to hire someone with a criminal record?

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have created a model for providing empirical evidence on when an ex-convict has been "clean" long enough to be considered "redeemed" for employment purposes.

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