
The pandemic is a reason to preserve—not pollute—the planet

We've already seen the Trump Administration use COVID-19 as an excuse to stop enforcing environmental laws and there is little question that the pandemic that has all of us under lockdown has driven most other policy issues ...

Rapid evolution in fish: Genomic changes within a generation

Researchers from Basel have identified the genetic basis of rapid adaptation using a native fish species. They compared threespine stickleback fish from different habitats in the Lake Constance region. Their study reveals ...

World's first 3-D simulations of superluminous supernovae

For most of the 20th century, astronomers have scoured the skies for supernovae—the explosive deaths of massive stars—and their remnants in search of clues about the progenitor, the mechanisms that caused it to explode, ...

Studying in the UK is a mixed bag for West African students

The number of students traveling abroad for education has increased substantially over the past 20 years. UK Council for International Student Affairs data shows that during the 2015–16 academic year, 19% of students studying ...

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