
Direct visualization of magnetoelectric domains

A novel microscopy technique called magnetoelectric force microscopy (MeFM) was developed to detect the local cross-coupling between magnetic and electric dipoles. Combined experimental observation and theoretical modeling ...

Avoid 'crape murder' with limited pruning

Efforts to prevent people from committing "crape murder" are reducing the number of unsightly, knobby-knuckled branch ends but may leave people wondering how to correctly shape crape myrtles.

Secret life of penguins revealed

To mark World Penguin Day (25 April 2015) citizen science project Penguin Watch will release 500,000 new images of penguins and reveal secrets from a year of spying on penguins.

Hawaii telescope website taken down in apparent cyberattack

An apparent cyberattack Sunday temporarily disrupted the main website of Thirty Meter Telescope, the organization trying to construct one of the world's largest telescopes near the summit of Mauna Kea on Hawaii's Big Island.

Capgemini to buy IGATE in $4 billion US expansion push

French IT services and consulting company Capgemini said Monday it was buying New Jersey-based IGATE for $4 billion (3.7 billion euros), boosting US-generated business to nearly a third of its total activity.

Upside down and inside out

Researchers have captured the first 3D video of a living algal embryo turning itself inside out, from a sphere to a mushroom shape and back again. The results could help unravel the mechanical processes at work during a similar ...

Bats use both sides of brain to listen—just like humans

Researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center and American University have shown that, like humans, mustached bats use the left and right sides of their brains to process different aspects of sounds. Aside from humans, ...

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