
Getting a sneak peek at Qualcomms new processors

(PhysOrg.com) -- A reporter over at MobileTechWorld happened upon an internal presentation, written by Qualcomm, that tells the story of its upcoming system-on-a-chip technology. It outlines four new chipsets that you can ...

Study: First stars were massive, fast-spinning

The first stars that dotted the universe were not only immense, but probably also fast-spinning, according to a new study that sheds light on the nature of stellar evolution.

NASA braces for Giffords, Obama, huge launch crowd

(AP) -- NASA officials say they're pleased that space shuttle Endeavour's final launch is expected to attract more than a half-million visitors Friday, including President Barack Obama.

Geologists solve mystery of the Colorado Plateau

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of scientists led by Rice University has figured out why the Colorado Plateau – a 130,000-square-mile region that straddles Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico -- is rising even while parts ...

A surprise: China's energy consumption will stabilize

(PhysOrg.com) -- As China's economy continues to soar, its energy use and greenhouse gas emissions will keep on soaring as well --or so goes the conventional wisdom. A new analysis by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National ...

For peacocks, the eyespots don't lie

Male peacock tail plumage and courtship antics likely influence their success at attracting and mating with females, according to recent Queen's University research.

Israel unveils 'first sin-free Yiddish smartphone'

An Israeli telecoms company is offering ultra-Orthodox Jewish clients a kosher smartphone with Hassidic folk music ringtones and a menu in Yiddish, a newspaper reported on Wednesday.

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