
Social determinism starts at school

A social universe is an extraordinarily complex thing. At its own level, a mind-brain is equally complex. When a mind is behaving within in a group, patterns emerge – patterns that the mind can hardly grasp. These complex ...

Public willing to pay to improve water quality, research finds

In the wake of the recent water crisis in Flint, Michigan, in which studies confirmed lead contamination in the city's drinking supply, awareness of the importance of protecting watersheds has increased. User-financed ecosystem ...

Using gold particles to make the invisible visible

Gold nanoparticles give us a better understanding of enzymes and other molecules. Biswajit Pradhan, Ph.D. candidate at the Leiden Institute of Physics, uses gold nanorods to study individual molecules that would be challenging ...

Salvage logging is often a pretext for harvesting wood

An increasing proportion of the world's protected forests are subject to extensive logging activities. The practice is called "salvage logging" and allegedly aims to protect e.g. areas of windthrow against bark beetle infestation. ...

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