
Cities on front line of climate change

The world's cities face the brunt of climate change but some are starting to respond vigorously to the threat, experts say at a conference here staged ahead of the June Rio summit.

Some flame retardants make fires more deadly

Some of the flame retardants added to carpets, furniture upholstery, plastics, crib mattresses, car and airline seats and other products to suppress the visible flames in fires are actually increasing the danger of invisible ...

Mandela's vast personal archives brought online

Thousands of handwritten documents, photographs and videos of Nelson Mandela have been digitised and placed online Tuesday in a massive archive of the life of South Africa's first black president.

US sets new carbon standard for power plants

The United States said Tuesday it was setting the first national standards on carbon emissions from power plants, taking aim at the burning of coal which is considered a top culprit in climate change.

Wikipedia founder: Public needs online references

(AP) -- The man who helped create the online reference Wikipedia said Tuesday that the end of Encyclopaedia Britannica's print run shows the world's growing reliance on the Internet as a base for knowledge.

Has modern science become dysfunctional?

The recent explosion in the number of retractions in scientific journals is just the tip of the iceberg and a symptom of a greater dysfunction that has been evolving the world of biomedical research say the editors-in-chief ...

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