
Size matters: Large Marine Protected Areas work for dolphins

Ecologists in New Zealand have shown for the first time that Marine Protected Areas – long advocated as a way of protecting threatened marine mammals – actually work. Their study, based on 21 years' monitoring and ...

'Bacterial shock' to recapture essential phosphate

Bacteria could be exploited to recapture dwindling phosphate reserves from wastewater according to research presented at the Society for General Microbiology's Spring Conference in Dublin this week.

New Panama law bans mining on native land

Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli enacted a law Monday that prohibits mining on indigenous lands and requires that local native authorities be consulted before work can begin on new hydroelectric plants.

Energy-starved Pakistan eyes solar power

From mosques, to homes and streets, Pakistanis are increasingly seeing the light and realising that year-round sun may be a cheap if partial answer to an enormous energy crisis.

Harvard emails show Zuckerberg's business side

(AP) -- Emails from Mark Zuckerberg's Harvard days show the dropout-turned-Facebook CEO as a young entrepreneur losing patience with a client's delayed payments.

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