
NASA to televise Jules Verne maneuvers

The U.S. space agency said it will televise a series of maneuvers by the European Space Agency's Jules Verne spacecraft next week.

NASA awards innovative research contract

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has awarded a $36 million research contract to the U.S. National Institute of Aerospace Associates.

Small desert beetle found to engineer ecosystems

The catastrophic action a tiny beetle is wreaking on the deteriorating Chihuahuan desert will be revealed in the April edition of the Royal Entomological Society's Ecological Entomology journal.

Femtogram-level chemical measurements now possible

Finding a simple and convenient technique that combines nanoscale structural measurements and chemical identification has been an elusive goal. With current analytical instruments, spatial resolution is too low, signal-to-noise ...

Carbon Nanotubes Improve Fuel Cells

A group of scientists has created a new, improved fuel-cell electrode that is very lightweight and thin. Composed of a network of single-walled carbon nanotubes, the electrode functions nearly as well as conventional electrodes ...

Under the sea

For the first time scientists have mapped the layers of once molten rock that lie beneath the edges of the Atlantic Ocean and measure over eight miles thick in some locations.

Faster koa tree growth without adverse ecosystem effects

U.S. Forest Service scientists with the Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry have completed a study on ways to make high-value koa trees grow faster, while increasing biodiversity, carbon sequestration, scenic beauty and ...

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