
A nudge to resume economic activity

In these pandemic-affected times, concern about COVID-19 can make it hard to know when to take part in "normal," prepandemic activities. That may be especially true this winter, with the Omicron virus variant spreading and ...

Revealing a mathematical secret of lizard camouflage

The shape-shifting clouds of starling birds, the organization of neural networks or the structure of an anthill: nature is full of complex systems whose behaviors can be modeled using mathematical tools. The same is true ...

Creating frequency combs in microresonators

For the first time, scientists were able to create ultrashort dark and bright light pulses that are linked together in tiny glass rings called microresonators. Each of the flashes consist of many different, precisely defined ...

Los Angeles moves to end oil drilling in the city

The Los Angeles City Council on Wednesday took steps intended to phase out oil drilling in the city, moving to address the legacy of of environmental and health problems caused by an industry that helped create modern Southern ...

Brain size found to have decreased in domesticated cats

A combined team of researchers from the University of Vienna and National Museums Scotland, has found that the brain size of domestic cats is smaller than their African ancestors. In their paper published in the journal Royal ...

Boosted mitochondrial capacity safeguards cells under stress

According to a team of plant researchers, mitochondria provide unexpected help for cells in a crisis by respiring away harmful substances. The current study produced by the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of Plants ...

Rise of termite clone queendoms offers clue to curb invasions

The University of Sydney scientists who discovered all-female termite colonies have now ascertained how they came to exist. In doing so, they revealed how these powerful females potentially threaten other termites, as well ...

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