
Pilot plant in Vietnam: Water for 10,000 people

More than 20 percent of the world's population are dependent on karst groundwater. In these regions, large amounts of water seep into the porous rock and are available at great depths only. Moreover, karst water is susceptible ...

Scientists clarify light harvesting in green algae

Algae are indispensable because they generate about 50% of primary organic matter and account for about 50% of all oxygen on Earth. They produce oxygen through oxygenic photosynthesis—a biological process that "harvests" ...

New catalyst method promises better use of syngas, coal

The world's first project to industrially synthesize 25 kt/a of higher alcohols from syngas passed a continuous 72-hour catalyst performance test on 3rd November, 2019 in Yulin, Shaanxi province, china.

Image: Giant magnetic ropes in a galaxy's halo

This image of the "Whale Galaxy" (NGC 4631), made with the National Science Foundation's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), reveals hair-like filaments of the galaxy's magnetic field protruding above and below the galaxy's ...

Chemical herders could impact oil spill cleanup

Oil spills in the ocean can cause devastation to wildlife, so effective cleanup is a top priority. One method to clean up oil spills is by burning, which only works if the oil is heavily concentrated in one area. Research ...

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