
Scientists discover exotic quantum state at room temperature

For the first time, physicists have observed novel quantum effects in a topological insulator at room temperature. This breakthrough, published as the cover article of the October issue of Nature Materials, came when Princeton ...

Finding microbes rarer than a ticket to the moon

You are more likely to take a trip to the Moon than to see a microbe called Legendrea loyezae under a microscope. Nasa's Apollo program has sent a total of 24 people to the Moon between 1968 and 1972. Only four people (including ...

How old is the oldest ice in Antarctica?

Antarctica is so cold that snowfall builds up year after year, resulting in frozen blankets of ice more than 3 km thick in places. You might think that to find the oldest ice, one simply has to dig ever deeper, to find samples ...

Study sheds light on life cycle of tree roots

Fallen tree leaves on the forest floor are called leaf litter. Although scientists can examine leaf litter on the surface of soil by collecting it using litter traps, studying what is happening underground is much more difficult. ...

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