
'Hypercarnivores' kept massive ancient herbivores in check

When the largest modern-day plant-eaters—elephants—are confined to too small an area, they devastate the vegetation. So 15,000 years ago, when the herbivores like the Columbian mammoth, mastodons and giant ground sloths ...

Loss of large land mammals could change landscapes forever

Large land animals such as elephants, wildebeest and other big plant-eaters are worth preserving in part because their disappearance could have permanent effects on the plants and animals they coexist with, according to an ...

China travel firms in share-swap deal: Bloomberg

Two of China's largest online travel firms have agreed to a share swap and partnership deal to create the country's biggest Internet travel service, Bloomberg News reported Monday.

Zimbabwe: 22 more elephants killed in Hwange Park by cyanide

Cyanide poisoning has killed 22 elephants in Zimbabwe's Hwange National Park, the Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority said on Monday. This brings to 62 the number of elephants poisoned by poachers in ...

New Horizons continues toward potential Kuiper Belt target

NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has carried out the second in a series of four maneuvers propelling it toward an encounter with the ancient Kuiper Belt object 2014 MU69, a billion miles farther from the sun than Pluto.

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